SkinPen Microneedling

A multipurpose treatment that uses your skin’s natural healing abilities to stimulate collagen and elastin production. 

What is it?

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure that creates micro wounds in the skin to stimulate collagen production.

This multi purpose treatment takes advantage of the body’s natural healing process to treat a variety of skin conditions.

To achieve optimal results, a series of multiple treatments is typically recommended. 

Most clients are able to repeat the procedure every 3-4 weeks for optimal results.

About Microneedling

Microneedling uses a handheld device that uses extremely sharp, sterile needles to puncture the skin.

This damage to the skin helps stimulate your skin’s healing process, which includes the increased production of collagen and elastin, two crucial proteins for skin health. 

How it works

What to expect

Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure with very little downtime. Your skin will be thoroughly cleansed and a numbing cream will be applied prior to the treatment.

During the treatment, you may feel some warmth and a scratching/pulling sensation as the device moves over your skin.

The numbing cream allows for a pain free treatment.

Immediately after treatment, your skin will likely be red and swollen; this may last a few days.

You can return to your normally routine immediately.

Avoid sun exposure for 5 day and wear sunscreen until your skin heals.